Well in the wake of utilizing Giant-Healer for a significant time I chose to make an aide for all the TH6s and TH7s out there who don't know how to utilize this marvel full procedure. The methodology is super flexible be it Trophy Pushing of Farming.
Everything you need for this is:-
For TH6 :-
Pushing Mode/Clan War (150 Spaces):-
10 Giants (Level 3, L2 will suffice)
5 Wallbreakers (Level 3, L2 will suffice)
2 Healers (Level 1)
15 Wizards (Level 3, L2 will suffice)
2 Archers (Level 3, L2 will suffice)
1 Heal Spell
1 Lightning Spell
Cultivating Mode (150 Spaces):-
10 Giants (Level 3, L2 will suffice)
5 Wallbreakers (Level 3, L2 will suffice)
2 Healers (Level 2)
31 Archers (Level 3, L2 will suffice)
31 Goblins (Level 3, L2 will suffice)
1 Heal Spell
1 Lightning Spell
For TH7:-
Cultivating Mode (180 Spaces):-
16 Giants (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
5 Wallbreakers (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
2 Healers (Level 2, L1 will suffice)
31 Archers (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
31 Goblins (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
1 Heal Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
1 Rage Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
1 Lightning Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
Cultivating Mode (200 Spaces):-
16 Giants (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
7 Wallbreakers (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
2 Healers (Level 2, L1 will suffice)
39 Archers (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
39 Goblins (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
1 Heal Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
1 Rage Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
1 Lightning Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
Pushing Mode/Clan War (180 Spaces):-
16 Giants (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
5 Wallbreakers (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
2 Healers (Level 2, L1 will suffice)
15 Wizards (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
2 Archers (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
1 Heal Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
1 Rage Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
1 Lightning Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
Pushing Mode/Clan War (200 Spaces):-
16 Giants (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
7 Wallbreakers (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
2 Healers (Level 2, L1 will suffice)
19 Wizards (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
2 Archers (Level 4, L3 will suffice)
1 Heal Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
1 Rage Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
1 Lightning Spell (Level 4, L2 will suffice)
Presently the genuine aide:-
Battling TH6(not as a TH6 however against it)/TH7 with ugrading AT
1) Lure the CC (While cultivating at lower groups this stride isn't vital yet in Clan War it's an absolute necessity)
2) Attack the Air Defense first regardless of what unless it's building or updating. While finding a base search for bases with the Air Defenses on the outside or the last layer.
3) Deploy healers.
4)Now encompass the base with toxophilite and trolls. Use WBs to get through.
5) Heal Spells are reinforcement. Healers can go haywire. Use when Giant wellbeing goes red. Particularly before a Wizard Tower.
Battling TH7with COC HACK
1) Lure the CC (While cultivating at lower associations this stride isn't imperative yet in Clan War it's an unquestionable requirement)
2)TH7 has two Air Defenses so they are normally set separated. Part the goliaths into two gatherings. 8 for every Air Defenses.
3) Deploy healers.
4)Now encompass the base with bowmen and trolls. Use WBs to get through.
5) Heal Spells are reinforcement. Healers can go haywire. Use when Giant wellbeing goes red. Particularly before a Wizard Tower.
Pushing Army/Clan War
1) Lure troops utilizing one bowman.
2) Surround them with wizards around 4. Not in a cluster but rather 2 tiles separated or lightning them
3) Attack the Air Defense first regardless of what unless it's building or overhauling. While finding a base search for bases with the Air Defenses on the outside or the last layer.
4) Deploy healers
5) Now one by one discharge your wizards. Not in a cluster.
6) Rage the mammoths (discretionary)
7)The base will be currently out of most safeguards and the goliaths must achieve the center by 1 moment to 1 minute 30 seconds.
8) If the healers don't botch up and the wizard cluster then utilize the recuperate on them as they can't splash up harm and them can one-shot most protections when together
9) Enjoy
Favorable circumstances:-
- Cheap
- Small Train time (30 min at max)
- Can take out stockpiles
- Healer AI is shocking
- Too numerous compartments can wreck an assault
1) Heal spells must be utilized sparingly.
2) Have one sleeping shelter with healers and others atleast till divider breakers.
3) Deploy Giants first then send the wallbreakers or else the wallbreakers will bite the dust.
4) Deploy bowmen and trolls somewhat later after atleast two resistance barring Air Defenses are out or else the trolls or toxophilite might draw fire. (Credit:- mark45)